@INPROCEEDINGS{100745, author = {Esteban Fernandez Tuesta and Karina Delgado and Luciano Digiampietri and José de Jésus Pérez-Alcázar and Rogério Mugnaini and Jesús Mena-Chalco}, title = {Análise temporal da relação orientador-orientado: um estudo de caso sobre a produtividade dos pesquisadores doutores da área de Ciência da Computação}, booktitle = {CSBC 2012 - BraSNAM () }, year = {2012}, month = {jul}, abstract = {This paper presents a study of the academic relationship between advisor and advisee for a group of Ph.D. researchers of the Computer Science Area with curricula registered in the Lattes Platform. We analyze the main characteristics of the group and their coauthor relationships. In this analysis we observe that the duration of the co-authoring between advisor and advisee can extrapolate the formal period of supervision, also, we show that the duration of the collaboration, as coauthors, is correlated with the number of articles published by the advisee.}, days = {17-18}, keywords = {Social networks visualization; Extraction and treatment of social data; Contextualized analysis of social and information networks}, url = {http://XXXXX/100745.pdf} }