@INPROCEEDINGS{113579, AUTHOR="Luciano Digiampietri and Caio Santiago and Caio Alves", TITLE="Predição de coautorias em redes sociais acadêmicas: um estudo exploratório em Ciência da Computação", BOOKTITLE="CSBC-BraSNAM 2013", ADDRESS="", DAYS="24-25", MONTH="jul", YEAR="2013", ABSTRACT="The identification of future relationships in a social network is a relevant subject which is receiving, in the last years, attention from both: the scientific community and the industry, because it allows the prediction of the networking behavior or the recommendation of new relationships in order to optimize the network evolution. This paper presents a methodology and the results of the use of attribute selectors, filters, classifiers and functions to predict coauthorships in academic social networks in order to evaluate the performance of different algorithms and to identify some of the most relevant attributes for this prediction.", KEYWORDS="Linking prediction and simulation" }