@INPROCEEDINGS{Digiampietri_BreSci2014b, AUTHOR="Luciano Digiampietri and José de Jésus Pérez-Alcázar and Caio Santiago and Guilherme Oliveira and Adilson Khouri and Jônatas Araújo", TITLE="A Framework for Automatic Composition of Scientific Experiments: Achievements, Lessons Learned and Challenges", BOOKTITLE="CSBC 2014 - BreSci () ", ADDRESS="Brasília - DF", DAYS="30-31", MONTH="jul", YEAR="2014", ABSTRACT="Scientific workflows management systems (SWMS) play a very important role in the e-Science. This paper presents the new functionalities of a SWMS that was originally developed fifteen years ago. These functionalities are focused on the automatic composition and execution of workflows, and the transparent use of local applications, Web Service and Java methods as the building blocks of the scientific experiments.", KEYWORDS="MAIN - Gerência de workflows científicos" }