@INPROCEEDINGS{113574, AUTHOR="Raquel de Melo-Minardi and Luciano Digiampietri and Pedro Olmo Vaz de Melo and Geraldo Franciscani Jr. and Leonardo Oliveira", TITLE="Caracterização dos programas de pós-graduação em Bioinformática no Brasil", BOOKTITLE="CSBC-BraSNAM 2013", ADDRESS="", DAYS="24-25", MONTH="jul", YEAR="2013", ABSTRACT="Multidisciplinarity is increasingly present in Science. The huge amount of available data as well their complexity have been demanding a large deal of effort from different areas for the understanding and resolution of problems. On the other hand, the interaction between people with different disciplinary education - alone - is a defying field. This paper describes the roles of the researchers in Brazilian post-graduate programs on Bioinformatics - an essentially multidisciplinary area - characterizing their interesting areas and collaboration networks.", KEYWORDS="Contextualized analysis of social and information networks" }