@ARTICLE{Nascimento2004, author = {A.L.T.O. Nascimento and S. Verjovski-Almeida and M.A. Van Sluys and C.B. Monteiro-Vitorello and L.E.A. Camargo and L.A. Digiampietri and R.A. Harstkeerl and P.L. Ho and M.V. Marques and M.C. Oliveira and J.C. Setubal,0 and D.A. Haake and and E.A.L. Martins}, title = {Genome features of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni}, journal = {Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research}, year = {2004}, volume = {37}, pages = {459-477}, number = {4}, }