Publicações de Turismo
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Mobile payment security favours airports' cross-selling and word of mouth communication Across mobile marketing
     Mobile payment security favours airports' cross-selling and word of mouth communication Across mobile marketing
     La seguridad en los medios de pagos móviles favorece la venta cruzada y la comunicación boca-oído en el sector aeroportuario a través del mobile marketing

Florido-Benitez, Lázaro

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 13 (2016): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 13 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: Tourism is a sector in which new technologies are leading the way in commercial operations between businesses and users. In the digital tourism environment, smart devices or smartphones are increasingly establishing themselves as shopping platforms.          Given the characteristics of this study, together with the literature reviewed, designing and implementing a methodology of a qualitative nature aimed at obtaining and analyzing primary information, which at the same time could be complemented with secondary sources, is proposed.           As there is a new paradigm shift towards online monetary transactions, this study mainly focuses on analyzing the security of mobile applications that have been implemented to promote cross-selling and WOM in the tourism sector.