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elderly’s accessible tourismdemand: impairment and barriers
     elderly’s accessible tourismdemand: impairment and barriers
     La demanda de turismo accesible para adultos mayores: discapacidad y barreras

Raccanello, Kristiano
Cuamatzin García, Yael

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 19 (2019): Núm. 19 (2019): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 19 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: The worldwide population aging trend represents an important opportunity for the tourism sector if it were prepared to receive older tourists who, due to their age, are more prone to suffer impairments. Government intervention aimed at removing those barriers that prevent or limit an adequate enjoyment of tourist attractions is needed, because barriers discourage elderly’s engagement in touristic activities. As these consumers have specific needs related to accessibility, as long as barriers persist, market demand will be lower. This paper acknowledges the importance of tourism for elderly’s Quality of Life (QoL) when impairment occurs and proposes a theoretical model that highlights the importance of reducing barriers for senior tourism. According to the results, implementing public policies to promote accessible tourism would generate a positive effect, both for the elderly’s QoL and for the tourism sector.JEL Classification: J14, J18, Z38.