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Airports as ambassadors of the marketing strategies of spanish tourist destinations
     Airports as ambassadors of the marketing strategies of spanish tourist destinations
     Los aeropuertos se han transformado en los embajadores de las estrategias de marketing de destinos españoles

Florido-Benitez, Lázaro
Del Alcázar Martínez, Benjamín

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 21 (2020): Núm. 21 (2020): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 21 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: Airport destination marketing’ has gained momentum in research fostered by the impact of communication technologies on the delivery of DMOs responsibilities. It has produced significant opportunities and challenges in the marketing strategies, where airports have become the gates of paradise of physical and digital tourist destinations. Airports can play a more active role in the promotion and delivery of tourism products and services in their host cities. Why? First, an airport is an ambassador of a destination. Second, an airport exhibits the positive characteristics of a destination. Third, passengers mentally compare their actual experience at an airport with the destination's tourism message and fourth, airports are the Gates of Paradise where tourists enjoy and satisfy their dreams in the desired tourist destination. This study aims to clarify the airport as the best means of transport and access to the tourist destinations. This study also aims to evaluate the brand image of an airport as own identity and banner of the tourist destinations. By mapping out airport destination marketing and providing real examples, this research contributes to the theoretical foundations of DMOs and theirs marketing strategies in the 21st century.