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Challenges of the evolution of accesibility in european tourism
     Challenges of the evolution of accesibility in european tourism
     Evolución de la accesibilidad en el turismo europeo: retos y desafíos.

Clemente Soler, Juan Antonio
Rodríguez Guillén, David
Martínez Martínez, Antonio Luís

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 23 (2021): Núm. 23 (2021): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 23 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: Over the last decades, the development of an international and European framework has allowed an important evolution of accessibility in tourism at the European level. This article aims to identify the challenges and challenges of accessible tourism in Europe. To do this, an analysis of the theoretical framework in the area will be carried out, as well as in the regulatory framework of tourism at an international level and in the European Union, to subsequently carry out an analysis of the actions and improvements carried out throughout of these decades, as well as the possible recommendations for improvement in the future to face the challenges and challenges of the sector