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Public management performance of tourism in front of the emergency of covid-19: a lexical analysis using Iramuteq
     Public management performance of tourism in front of the emergency of covid-19: a lexical analysis using Iramuteq
     La actuación de la gestión pública del turismo frente a la emergencia de la covid-19: un análisis léxico utilizando Iramuteq

Bem Maracajá, Kettrin Farias
Machado, Petruska De Araújo
De Fátima Pinheiro, Isabelle
Melo Pereira, Luciana

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 23 (2021): Núm. 23 (2021): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 23 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: The aim of this article is to analyze the performance of the Brazilian tourism secretariats for the resumption of post-pandemic tourism in COVID-19. As a methodology, it was carried out a lexical analysis using qualitative data, adopting a census approach and the data were treated in a quantitative way with the support of the Iramuteq software and factorial analyses. Furthermore, it was found that the state departments of Tourism, in this moment of crisis caused by the coronavirus, are still acting in a punctual and segmented manner, without presenting an effective planning for the resumption of activities that considers on the negative impacts generated in the pandemic. The main findings of the research reveal that the secretariats address the relationship between the resumption of tourism and COVID-19 from four perspectives: 'Retraction of tourism', 'Tourist Orientation Measures', 'Pre-return planning of tourism' and 'Post-return planning of tourism'. Fills the academic gap regarding research on Tourism and COVID-19 from the departments of Tourism.