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The impact of cultural and urban tourism on housing
     The impact of cultural and urban tourism on housing
     El impacto sobre la vivienda del turismo cultural y urbano

Sanchez Ollero, Jose Luis
Urrestarazu Capellán, Ricardo
Garcia Pozo, Alejandro

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 2 No 4 (2019): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 257-272


Resumo: To the strong tourism growth of the last decade, they have joined economic factors such as the difficulty of many families to cope with mortgage payments of first or second homes motivated by the economic crisis and the expansion of platforms and computer applications that have facilitated the interconnection between demanders and suppliers of tourist homes. The result has been the appearance of new forms of non-standard accommodation and the increase and scarcity of housing for residential use in the surroundings of the historical and cultural centres of many cities. This document examines the factors that have enabled the development of urban tourism from the standpoint of housing, and the consequences it is having for access to the housing of its residents in the city of Malaga.