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Competitiveness and the impact of tourism in the global era on the museums of Barcelona city
     Competitiveness and the impact of tourism in the global era on the museums of Barcelona city
     La competitividad y el impacto turístico en la era global en los museos de Barcelona ciudad

Miró Pérez, Albert
Martínez Sánchez, Mª Eugenia
Gallego Díaz, Ramsés

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 44-66


Resumo: Cultural tourism has recently been reaffirmed by UNWTO as an important element of international tourism consumption, representing more than 39% of tourist arrivals. Research in cultural tourism has also grown rapidly, especially in areas such as cultural consumption, cultural motivations and heritage conservation. Linking tourism with heritage and culture benefits the local economy (Prieto, 2004). Thus, the cultural sphere has an increasing impact on the growth of tourism in a city, although it is necessary to safeguard both urban and cultural heritage and to know how to share it with visitors. The city of Barcelona is no stranger to this reality of tourist consumption. Barcelona has a rich cultural offer of tangible and intangible heritage. Thus, the objective of this article deals with the impact of the increase in tourism in the city related to the extensive use of the museum offer of Barcelona. The second objective is articulated in the impact that the new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have on cultural tourism in Barcelona. A theoretical-empirical review of the improvement of tourism in the city of Barcelona was carried out, as well as its innovation and the growth that the museum fabric has undergone in recent years. The document concludes with a series of suggestions for future research directions, and the growing impact that ICTs have on cultural tourism in Barcelona. Likewise, public and private museum institutions, together with the governing bodies, must be able to establish synergies for the benefit of the city and the visitors it receives.