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Architecture as a high impact element in the economy of Zacatecas, México.
     Architecture as a high impact element in the economy of Zacatecas, México.
     La arquitectura como elemento de alto impacto en la economía de Zacatecas, México

Ramírez Villalpando, Rocio

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 3 No 3 (2020): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 219-234


Resumo: Zacatecas, Mexico inherited from the Spanish conquest, an architectural wealth that, added to the Mexican essence, grants the identity and cultural wealth that only the Mexican providence possesses, conforming its history with symbolisms and traditions. This heritage has been safeguarded and recognized, its historical center un particular, built for more than a quarter of a century, as Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and, in recent dates as The American Capital of Culture by The International Boreau of Cultural Capitals. It is essential to study the tourist impact in the city of Zacatecas, being clear about the transcendental nature of its integral safeguard, which makes it unique. Know the economic development that derives from architectural tourism in the region, adding the cultural enrichment of those who inhabit, visit and cement it. It is essential knowledge of identity, idiosyncrasy, traditions, the essence of societies, their particular characteristics, as well as the spaces that attract tourism to live a culture different from their own. The investigation of the aforementioned, as well as the guided dialogue with the society that inhabits and visits, allows obtaining data that pays for projects of economic, tourist and cultural impact. Architectural tourism in Zacatecas, reflected in the economic spillover obtained through this item, is constantly reflected in the entity and, ultimately, positively pays in the heritage and cultural safeguard.