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Rebus sic stantibus and tourist resilience
     Rebus sic stantibus and tourist resilience
     Rebus sic stantibus y resiliencia turística

Vega Agredano, Francisco

Periódico: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research

Fonte: Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research; 148-161


Resumo: The contractors want to meet your expectations by entering into a contract useful to their interests. The contracting parties by fulfilling the objectives of the contract try to obtain a profit. Certainly, any kind of prediction or conjecture about an uncertain future event carries risks and insecurities. In any case, the contracting parties will try to accommodate, as far as possible, the conditions and elements of the contract to a series of circumstances that could happen in a more or less predictable way. However, when during the performance of the contract, sudden and unpredictable events occur, it may happen that its performance becomes extraordinarily burdensome for one of the parties. In this case, it is necessary and enforceable to renegotiate the contract to adapt it to the new reality. It is often stated that, in long-term contracts, the greater the practicality of the rebus sic stantibus clause. However, little or no attention has been paid to the special need for revision and adaptation in the tourism industry. In the tourism industry the balance of the elements plays a special role, since any imbalance or unforeseeable event produces an alteration incomparable to that of other sectors. Tourism was undoubtedly one of the first economic sectors to have suffered the impact of the coronavirus, showing its special vulnerability to external elements. For this reason, the rebus sic stantibus clause and resilience are of particular interest in this sector, terms that must be analyzed together.