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The Possibilities for the Experience of the Scenic Representation as a Leisure Practice Within the Post-Pandemic Mexican “New Normal”
     The Possibilities for the Experience of the Scenic Representation as a Leisure Practice Within the Post-Pandemic Mexican “New Normal”
     Las Posibilidades para la Experiencia de la Representación Escénica como Práctica de Ocio dentro de la “Nueva Normalidad” Mexicana Pospandémica

Torres, Karla Ysolina Uriarte

Periódico: Licere

Fonte: LICERE - Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos do Lazer; v. 24 n. 1 (2021): março; 640-663


Resumo: The following text aims to reflect on the possibility of experiencing the scenic representation, originally conceived for the physical space, within the virtual space established during the isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico, in order to infer some of its possibilities within Mexican “New Normal. This, through a dialogue between its technical and technological characteristics, the habits previously established in this regard, and the feasibility of digital consumption into the Mexican reality. Observing, as a result, a difficulty to implement an exclusively virtual space for its practice within the Mexican “New Normal”, especially when only 56.4% of Mexicans have internet access.