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Dimensions and reflections on the impact of the covid pandemic on tourism
     Dimensions and reflections on the impact of the covid pandemic on tourism
     Dimensiones y reflexiones sobre el impacto de la pandemia del covid en el turismo

Navarro-Drazich, Diego

Periódico: Revista Turismo e Identidad

Fonte: Revista de Turismo e Identidad; Vol. 2 Núm. 1 (2021); 159-169


Resumo: The drop in international travel caused by the coronavirus pandemic invites us to reflect on the explosion of international tourism in the last thirty years, as well as to measure the ongoing crisis in tourism activity. In this sense, an important portion of humanity, counted as subjects or as countries, is excluded from the benefits of tourism and, consequently, does not experience costs because they never made a profit. In contrast, the countries and protagonists of the phenomenon are also identified: those who travel and those who depend on tourism; among the latter, those mainly affected by the health break. Finally, the Argentine situation is presented, characterized by lights and shadows, but mainly for three fallacious advantages.