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The integration of tourism entrepreneurs to inter-firm cooperation networks in rural environments: A relational analysis
     The integration of tourism entrepreneurs to inter-firm cooperation networks in rural environments: A relational analysis
     La integración de emprendedores turísticos a redes de cooperación inter-empresarial en entornos rurales: Un análisis relacional

Cruz Coria, Erika
Olmos Martínez, Elizabeth
Ibarra Michel, Juan Pedro

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 23; 73-93


Resumo: Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and community-based entrepreneur in rural areas faced several challenges imposed by the environment. Furthermore, they must find a way to configure more innovative destinations. Inter-firm cooperation networks (ICN) are structures of social relations that allow them to take advantage of local resources and activate business capacities. This paper provides a literature review seeks to identify the factors that determine the social embeddedness (SE) of tourism entrepreneurs in ICN in rural environments; Simultaneously, the advantages that these factors generate for their involvement in cooperative relations are reported. It is an exploratory and descriptive research that presents the review of ninety-two scientific papers. A methodological design attached to the ThematIc Analysis (TA) was selected. Forty-one subcategories were created from the data, which correspond to the factors and advantages of SE. The Atlas. ti software was used to analyzed the relations between subcategories and Gephi software was used to visualize relations and code communities over a network. Among the determining factors are strong local ties and ties with external actors.