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Diversifying sun and beach tourism destinations through community tourism: case study of the ancestral commune of Ligüiqui, Manta (Ecuador)
     Diversifying sun and beach tourism destinations through community tourism: case study of the ancestral commune of Ligüiqui, Manta (Ecuador)
     El turismo comunitario como apuesta de diversificación en destinos sol y playa. Caso de la comuna ancestral de Ligüiqui. Manta - Ecuador

Félix, Angel
Montalván, Pedro
Morales, María
Párraga, Yadira

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022); 100-118


Resumo: Tourism has been one of the economic sectors most affected by the new normality introduced as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the state of new normality, traditionally popular forms of mass tourism, such as sun and beach holidays, have fallen into disfavour among tourists. Prior to the pandemic, the port of Manta in Ecuador attracted large numbers of tourists to its extensive beaches. Now the focus of tourism has shifted onto developing the natural and cultural resources of the region’s rural areas through more sustainable, inclusive tourism proposals. This study uses a participatory action-research methodology, with observation tools such as characterisation sheets, inventories and open interviews, and georeferencing of potential locations for the development of tourism activity in rural communities. The results include a list of natural and cultural resources of interest and accommodation and food service establishments, and maps of the geographical locations of the communities surveyed. The article concludes by recommending the implementation of sightseeing and archaeological trails, together with a management model for the promotion of rural tourism development through the creation of a Community Tourism Centre (CTC).