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From fishing community to tourist destination: evolution in the hotel sector of Pedernales (Ecuador) and new proposals in the wake of COVID-19
     From fishing community to tourist destination: evolution in the hotel sector of Pedernales (Ecuador) and new proposals in the wake of COVID-19
     De comunidad pesquera a destino turístico: evolución hotelera en Pedernales y propuestas ante la COVID-19

Alcívar Vera, Isidro Ignacio
Cedeño Moreira, Narcisa Esperanza
Macías Ugalde, Lexandra Tatiana

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022); 14-35


Resumo: Many of the modern-day tourist destinations found on the Manabi coast started life as important fishing communities, as testified by the archaeology and history of the region. This article examines the evolution of the hotel sector in Pedernales and its transformation into a popular tourist destination. The study uses a quantitative approach with a projective scope, based on data collected using the Microsoft Forms online survey creator. The total study population comprises 81 hotel establishments, of which 20 agreed to answer the questionnaire. The results show numerous shortcomings in the process of tourism and hotel development in Pedernales, and that the sector has been hit hard by the pandemic, with little support from the Ministry for Tourism or regional government (GAD). However, positive results are also reported, such as the implementation of new GAD biosafety protocols across the city’s hotels. The study concludes by recommending cooperation between private companies and the public sector to make a combined effort to encourage tourists to return to Pedernales.