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Proposal for Environmental Interpretation at the Santa Barbara Chapel (Ponta Grossa, PR)
     Proposal for Environmental Interpretation at the Santa Barbara Chapel (Ponta Grossa, PR)

Silva, Beatriz Madalena Bueno Da
Medeiros, Mirna De Lima
Lara, Silvielen Cristiane Faria De
Souza, Eduardo Vitor Correa de

Periódico: Applied Tourism

Fonte: Applied Tourism; v. 4 n. 3 (2019): Sumário; 20-31


Resumo: This work aims to show the possibilities of using environmental interpretation at the Santa Barbara Chapel (Ponta Grossa, State of Paraná). This chapel, built in 1823, was listed in 2000 by the Municipal Council of Cultural Heritage, however many people, including residents, do not know much about it. To this end, we sought to analysis its potential status as a tourist attraction; to verify the applications of environmental interpretation; and to suggest actions of environmental interpretation that can be performed in relation to the heritage, focusing on the appreciation of its history. The theoretical framework defines the concept of environmental interpretation and its tools, and addresses the history of the chapel and the saint whose name it carries. Descriptive research was used to compile data, using documentary research and direct observation in on-site fieldwork. The potential for the application of environmental interpretation at the Santa Barbara chapel was verified, whether to transmit basic and historical information through an interpretative panel, or through the expansion of the experience through a property-guided narrative, for example.