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Methodological approach to a dynamic model for the analysis of the role of the attraction of creative residents in the urban development of tourist destinations
     Methodological approach to a dynamic model for the analysis of the role of the attraction of creative residents in the urban development of tourist destinations
     Planteamiento metodológico de un modelo dinámico para el análisis del papel de la atracción de residentes creativos en el desarrollo urbano de los destinos turísticos

Beier, Lorena Soledad
Vigier, Hernán Pedro
Anton Clavé, Salvador

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; Núm. 24; 264-291


Resumo: This work outlines an hypothetical-deductive approach to the study of the urbanization development of tourist destinations highlighting the role of the attraction of creative residents in the process. Specifically, the interrelationship among urban growth, tourism development and the residential attraction of creative people in destinations created by and for tourism is considered in a dynamic model of urban development (DMUD). Based on the law of diminishing returns, the proposed model shows that the urban growth of a tourist destination is associated over time with the growth of creative residents. This model also states that the attraction of creatives to particular destinations is caused by the substantiation of a set of factors related to the characteristics of the places. In short, the DMUD not only simplifies the interpretation of the role of creatives in the urban development of tourist destinations, but also establishes the functional relationships that exist among the selected variables.