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Proposal for the study of local development in tourist destinations
     Proposal for the study of local development in tourist destinations
     Propuesta de estudio del desarrollo local en destinos turísticos

Peralta Castrejón, Uriel Salam
Palafox Muñoz, Alejandro
Martínez González, Oscar

Periódico: ARA: Revista de Investigación en Turismo

Fonte: Ara: Journal of Tourism Research; Vol. 11 No. 1 (2021); 79-99


Resumo: Local development has been addressed by various authors in recent years, they have mentioned that this type of development seeks to increase the quality of life of the residents of a locality through social cohesion and dynamism among the population generating economic increases in the region. In addition, it has been established that partnerships between the public, private, government and society at large are necessary to achieve this. It should also be noted that there are communities in which tourism is their main productive activity, the only way to achieve economic benefits and increase their quality of life. The main objective of this document is to generate a study proposal that will help determine the extent to which tourism activity generates costs and benefits in the local development of communities dedicated to such productive activity. Reason why an analysis is made of the dimensions, constructs and variables that affect local development and tourism activity.