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Analysis of the potential of bird-watching tourism in the Parque provincial de la Familia, Ambato-Ecuador
     Analysis of the potential of bird-watching tourism in the Parque provincial de la Familia, Ambato-Ecuador
     Análisis del potencial aviturístico del Parque Provincial de la Familia, Ambato-Ecuador

Romo Rojas, Mario Giovanni

Periódico: Pasos - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Fonte: PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; v. 20 n. 4 (2022): PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(4) 2022; 963-977


Resumo: The present study is aimed at analysing the characteristics of the birds in the Parque Provincial de la Familia (Ambato, Ecuador) and exploring its potential as a place to practise birdwatching and environmental conservation. The study involved non-experimental, longitudinal, cross-sectional, exploratory, and descriptive research design. Nine counting points were established for each area. Through the application of a survey, tourists expressed their predisposition or not towards carrying out birdwatching activities in the park. The results showed a total of 16 families and 34 species of birds, evidencing the presence of four rare species and four migratory species. It established that visitors were unaware of the biological importance of the birds within the ecosystem but were willing to learn more about the natural history of the species. In conclusion, the park shows great potential for bird watching and could become a natural refuge for this taxonomic group.