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Exploring the application of sustainable business models for heritage management in protected areas
     Exploring the application of sustainable business models for heritage management in protected areas
     Explorando la aplicación de modelos de negocio sostenibles para la gestión del patrimonio en espacios protegidos

Abad Galzacorta, Marina
Ageitos Varela, Nagore

Periódico: Gran Tour - Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: GRAN TOUR, REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES TURÍSTICAS; Núm. 25 (2022): Núm. 25 (2022): Gran Tour, Revista de Investigaciones Turísticas - Nº 25 (Enero-Junio)


Resumo: This paper examines the relationship between economic development and sustainable tourism in the rural region of Montaña Alavesa, which also has a protected area such as the Izki Natural Park. The study is based on the RDP 2015-2020 (Hazi, 2015) and the draft technical report of the Regional Action Plan of the Alava Provincial Council within the scope of the Wildlife Economy project (WLE, Interreg Europe Programme). In this context, and with the aim of developing a model to promote the sustainable economic use of environmental assets, this approach seeks to boost tourism competitiveness in the region based on its natural resources, sustainability and innovation. To this end, an analysis is made of the enhancement of a key heritage feature of the region such as Mina Lucia. Therefore, a proposal of best practices is made to implement a sustainable business model in Mina Lucia. Ultimately, the study aims to be a tool for the sustainable planning and management of a region that seeks to become a benchmark inland destination in terms of sustainability.