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Residents Perception of a Sun and Beach Tourist Destination in Northeast Mexico as a Precursor of Local and Sustainable Development
     Residents Perception of a Sun and Beach Tourist Destination in Northeast Mexico as a Precursor of Local and Sustainable Development
     Percepción de los residentes en un destino turístico de sol y playa en el noreste de México como precursor del desarrollo local y sustentable

Jaramillo Escobedo, José Vicente
Luyando Cuevas, José Raúl

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 32 (2023): Enero-Junio; 119-143


Resumo: The objective of the research is to evaluate the perception of Madero City Municipality population in the Northeast of México, regarding whether they consider that the development of the sun and beach tourism industry in the place has been performed in such a way, that as much as possible, it has followed the main dimensions framed in the sustainable development. To achieve this, 384 surveys were performed on the residents, after that the data was analyzed by factorial analysis. Some of the findings are the population perception that the sun and beach tourism has had positive impacts on the income and employment, nevertheless, it has had negative impacts such as pollution and an increase in crime.