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Historical Recreations as a Strategy of Cultural Tourism and Social Cohesion: The Wedding of el Empecinado, A Case Study in Spain
     Historical Recreations as a Strategy of Cultural Tourism and Social Cohesion: The Wedding of el Empecinado, A Case Study in Spain
     Las recreaciones históricas como estrategia de turismo cultural y cohesión social: la Boda de El Empecinado, un estudio de caso en España

Acebes Palenzuela, María Ángeles
Ríos Elorza, Serafín

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 32 (2023): Enero-Junio; 319-339


Resumo: This research starts from the fact that com­munities, must be understood and valued as socially constructed spaces where history, culture, traditions, knowledge, abilities, resources and heritage assets that give them identity survive. With this premise, histori­cal recreations are proposed as a strategy that includes the rescue and valuation of local historical events and traditions, to through its representation, to configure an authentic and innovative cultural attraction of low cost, which allows social cohesion and conservation of local historical memory, while energizing the economy for the benefit of the resident population. This article presents research results of the recreation the Wedding of The Em­pecinado, emblematic historical event of Castrillo de Duero, a town in Ribera de Duero, province of Valladolid, Spain, during the period 2014-2019. The methodology included historical documentary review and participant observation with in-depth interviews.