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Património natural e cultural dos corpos de água das lagoas. A origem do turismo em Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina
     Património natural e cultural dos corpos de água das lagoas. A origem do turismo em Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina
     Natural and cultural heritage of lagoon water bodies. The origin of tourism in Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina
      Patrimonio natural y cultural de cuerpos de agua lagunares. El origen del turismo en Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Geraldi, Alejandra Mabel

Periódico: Pasos - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Fonte: PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; v. 21 n. 1 (2023): PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; 177-193


Resumo: This research addresses the study of heritage as a uniting social factor. It is a case study of the Epecuén lagoon, in Carhué, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The article sets out to analyse the contextualised heritage activation process, based on an evaluation of the natural and cultural heritage resources by analysing the processes, actors and discourses used in tourism. The characteristics of the water in the lagoon were analysed from field work, rainfall analysis and historical reconstruction. We worked from a symbolic and economic appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage. This tourist territory is the product of the conjunction of the inherent qualities of the place, and as valued by a society, making it attractive.