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'Smart Beaches': analysis of the concept of intelligent management applied to beaches
     'Smart Beaches': analysis of the concept of intelligent management applied to beaches
     “Smart Beaches”: análisis del concepto de gestión inteligente aplicado a las playas

García Márquez, Carlos
Caballero Acedo, José David
Cantero Prados, Francisco José
Guevara Plaza, Antonio Jesús

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; No. 25; 77-99


Resumo: This paper provides an analysis of the tourist management strategies applied to the Smart Beaches existing in Spain. This review takes the concepts of Smart City and Smart Destination as a reference in order to propose a methodology divided into two phases: the first is conceptual, considering the management criteria in the most used rules of beaches management in the country; and the second is a calibrator phase, in which best practices are extracted. Thus, a number of requirements are presented, with their respective definitions and national experiences, confirming Spain's important role in the context of international tourist intelligence.