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Attributes associated with the glamping concept. An empirical study
     Attributes associated with the glamping concept. An empirical study

Liberato, Pedro
Coelho, José
Liberato, Dália

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; Vol 40 (2023); 9-21


Resumo: Camping needs a strategic shift based on innovation and that competes with the current campsites. Glamping emerges as an innovative concept, capable of combining the advantages of camping, making up for the negative issues traditionally associated with it. This topic is justified by the growing trend around the world, which may serve to withdraw camping from the stagnation stage where it is. The present study aims to fill a significant lack of scientific material about glamping in Portugal and to identify the importance given to the attributes that define this concept: Nature; Accommodation; Gastronomy; and Experience. Focusing on the campsites in Porto's Metropolitan Area, data was collected through an original questionnaire, obtaining a convenient sample of 201 campers. A one-dimensional structure was assumed in the attributes: Nature, Gastronomy and Service and a two-dimensional structure of the attributes: Accommodation and Experience. Regarding the analysed attributes, the one which collected the highest value of importance was the one related to the questions about 'Nature', followed by the attributes 'Service'and 'Accommodation_Amenities'. This finding confirms the basis of the concept of glamping. The profile of the user of this concept was suggested through descriptive analysis. The hypotheses have shown that, among the campers, there are no significant differences between the level of experimentation and gender, which is not true for age and literacy. It was also concluded that the importance attributed to the service increases according to the amount willing to pay by the camper, per night in a glamping unit.