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Public-private interaction experiences in tourism decision-making. The case of the EMTUR Board (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
     Public-private interaction experiences in tourism decision-making. The case of the EMTUR Board (Mar del Plata, Argentina)
     Experiencias de interacción público-privada en la toma de decisiones en turismo. El caso del Directorio del EMTUR (Mar del Plata, Argentina)

Corbo, Yanina Analía

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 33 (2023): Julio-Diciembre; 27-47


Resumo: Every tourist destination has a complex network of actors, commonly made up of local government, entrepreneurs and community. Each of them occupies a different role and holds different degrees of power to generate changes in the territory. As success of local development depends partly on interaction between them, it is important to know how each sector participate in the decision-making process and in the consensus building. The purpose of this article is to know about the Directorio EMTUR´s activity, from actor´s perspective, to try to determine which is its interference in the configuration of Mar del Plata’s tourism policy, while being presented as a space for shared decisions between the public sector and the local private sector.