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The Greenway of Oil (Jaén-Córdoba, Spain), an opportunity for rural development in Andalucia
     The Greenway of Oil (Jaén-Córdoba, Spain), an opportunity for rural development in Andalucia
     La Vía Verde del Aceite (Jaén-Córdoba, España), una oportunidad para el desarrollo rural en Andalucía

Cuesta Aguilar, María José
Jurado Almonte, José Manuel

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 33 (2023): Julio-Diciembre; 167-190


Resumo: Within the framework of sustainable tourism, a new product is hitting the market with a bang: cycle tourism, which makes use of greenways – former railway infrastructures now fitted out for active leisure – among other tracks. In just a few years, a wide network of greenways crossing regions and countries has been developed. Especially noteworthy in Spain is the Greenways Programme, which has provided an opportunity to protect a disused railway heritage. In turn, it gives tourists and other users the opportunity to get to know and enjoy a cultural and natural heritage that passes through rural areas. Furthermore, it provides new economic opportunities for those areas. This contribution analyses, diagnoses and makes some suggestions regarding one of the greenways, known as the Vía Verde del Aceite, which runs through the Andalusian provinces of Córdoba and Jaén.