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Perception of tourism students on sustainable tourism development in Bogotá
     Perception of tourism students on sustainable tourism development in Bogotá
     Percepción de los estudiantes de turismo sobre el desarrollo turístico sostenible en Bogotá

León Gómez, Ana
Saavedra Camargo, Janeth Alejandra
García Revilla, Raquel
Mora Forero, Jorge Alexander

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 33 (2023): Julio-Diciembre; 231-254


Resumo: Sustainability is considered an essential element to improve the quality of the tourism. Thus, the preservation of the environment has received considerable critical attention from a tourism perspective. In this context, research has begun to pay attention to the content and delivery of sustainable tourism education, little is known about what students actually know and feel regarding sustainability. This study describes the knowledge and attitudes of students towards sustainable tourism. The focus was on Bogotá, where tourism has caused serious negative impacts and where sustainability knowledge and skills are most needed to protect fragile natural and cultural resources. The results show that, although most tourism students think that sustainable tourism is important, they have limited knowledge of sustainability principles and technical aspects related to sustainable tourism.