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Sustainable tourism education: Master’s program for the department of Magdalena (Colombia). A literature review
     Sustainable tourism education: Master’s program for the department of Magdalena (Colombia). A literature review
     Formación en turismo sostenible: revisión de literatura de cara a la creación de un programa de maestría en el departamento del Magdalena (Colombia)

Vargas Leira, Freddy de Jesús
Prada, Julieth Lizcano

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 33 (2023): Julio-Diciembre; 255-274


Resumo: The department of Magdalena (Colombia) is considered a territory with tourist vocation and a potential to make into a consolidated destination. However, the development and competitiveness of the Sector have been limited, among other aspects, by the lack of high-level training in sustainable tourism. This article presents, through a literature review and study plans of similar programs, the relevance of offering a master in sustainable tourism management in the department of Magdalena. The scope of this work is descriptive, its typology is theoretical, and its design is considered to be a qualitative case study. The results of this paper will serve like base for the profiles creation, the competencies, and the study plan of the master’s program in sustainability tourism management proposed.