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Alternatives for sustainable tourism development post-pandemic in the municipalities of Apartadó, Arboletes, and Necoclí in the Colombian Urabá antioqueño
     Alternatives for sustainable tourism development post-pandemic in the municipalities of Apartadó, Arboletes, and Necoclí in the Colombian Urabá antioqueño
     Alternativas para el desarrollo sostenible del turismo pospandemia en los municipios de Apartadó, Arboletes y Necoclí del Urabá antioqueño colombiano

García Giraldo, Paula Catalina
Rivera Martínez, César Augusto
Rueda Posada, David Andrés
Ortiz Cano, Gloria Cristina
Alzate Díaz, Hernán Antonio
Velásquez Agudelo, Natalia

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 33 (2023): Julio-Diciembre; 299-322


Resumo: The article is the result of a research work whose objective was to design alternatives for the sustainable development of the post-pandemic tourism sector in the municipalities of Apartadó, Arboletes and Necoclí of the Urabá subregion of Colombian Antioquia. In methodological terms, it was proposed as mixed research with an analytical-descriptive character, which combines documentary sources of diverse nature, among them a survey to 203 tourist operators of the subregion to which a model under factorial analysis of principal coefficients (PCA) was applied. Among the most significant results is that the municipalities have an important opportunity to consolidate themselves as sustainable tourist destinations due to the natural wealth of the territory and its privileged geographic position. However, the sustainable use of resources must be ensured in order to convert them into a source of material wealth while at the same time recovering and conserving them for the enjoyment of future generations.