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The impact of social media in the management of the online presence of the hotel sector. The case of Mallorca
     The impact of social media in the management of the online presence of the hotel sector. The case of Mallorca
     La incidencia de los medios sociales en la gestión de la presencia online del sector hotelero. El caso de Mallorca

Fuster Uguet, Marc
Giner Sánchez, David
Celdrán Bernabéu, Marco Antonio
Coll Ramis, Miquel Ángel

Periódico: Pasos - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Fonte: PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; v. 21 n. 3 (2023): PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; 515-525


Resumo: The present research proposes a methodology to analyse the degree of incidence of social media in the management of the online presence of the hotel sector in Mallorca. To this end, the Social Media Maturity Index of the Tourism Offer (IMMSOT) has been designed, which allows the situation of tourism organisations in social media to be analysed on the basis of three dimensions associated with their social media marketing strategy: engagement, channels/tools and destination. The results obtained show that the hotel sector in Mallorca makes little use of this type of tool. Moreover, differences have been observed in their use depending on the category and geographical location of the hotel establishments.