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Governance network for the tourist use of the Ibagué ecosystem and its rural area
     Governance network for the tourist use of the Ibagué ecosystem and its rural area
     Red de gobernanza para el aprovechamiento turístico del socio ecosistema de Ibagué y su zona rural

Pinochet Sánchez, Giselle Viviana
Echeverri-Rubio, Alejandro

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; No. 26 (2023); 1-27


Resumo: This study is focused on designing and applying a social network analysis model that seeks to evaluate governance for the tourist use of partner ecosystems. The case study used was the city of Ibagué (Colombia) and its rural area, a region that has made several efforts to position itself as a tourist destination with an ecological and cultural vocation. The governance relationships derived by the actors within the partner ecosystem give rise to a network that is modeled and analyzed to discover its more relevant structural properties. The results show that the system has a high connection capacity, strongly integrated modules, and a reduced set of highly relevant actors. Some recommendations are presented for the application of the proposed model in other partner ecosystems.