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Hotel management skills in times of crisis
     Hotel management skills in times of crisis
     Habilidades de dirección hotelera en tiempos de crisis

Pineda-Rodríguez, Mar
Fusté-Forné, Francesc

Periódico: Investigaciones Turísticas

Fonte: Investigaciones Turísticas; No. 26 (2023); 114-133


Resumo: Hotel organizations require professionals who possess the managerial skills for the proper management of the hotels they lead. For this reason, this study seeks to determine the ideal profile of the hotel management of 4 and 5-star establishments in times of crisis. To identify the priority skills for this managerial profile, 151 surveys were conducted among hotel managers and human resources departments of hotel companies. Additionally, the research analyses the relationships between hotel management, crisis management and personal skills, with special attention given to soft skills and emotional intelligence. The results suggest the essential competencies to take into account for hotel managers and their selection and training and show the need to prioritize social skills in the hotel industry.