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Journey through the cemeteries of Porto
     Journey through the cemeteries of Porto

Santos, Aline Silva
Marques, Teresa Portela

Periódico: Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento

Fonte: Journal of Tourism & Development; Vol 44 (2023); 365-390


Resumo: Cemeteries, which are essential facilities for urban areas, contain spaces that serve not only to display and honor the dead, but also to provide historical, cultural, and artistic information about the context in which they are located. Therefore, it can be said that a city can be interpreted through the perspective of its cemeteries. These spaces are suitable for tourist activities, and cemetery tourism is a practice that is already well-established in several countries, including Portugal. Porto, which relies heavily on tourism as a significant economic driver, is the only city in Portugal whose cemeteries are included on the 'European Cemeteries Route. This status is mainly explored with regards to the historical figures buried there and the artistic-architectural material, which has aesthetic-historical value, mainly composed of its tombs, chapel, and statues. Since Porto has 12 cemeteries and there are other significant aspects to these locations, this article aims to offer impressions and reflections on how they can provide insight into their context through a tour of the city's cemeteries, fostering a dialogue between the cemetery and the city. To accomplish this, we combined a systematic literature review with fieldwork, including ethnographic walks.