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Competitiveness strategies in tourism companies in a scenario of uncertainty. Los Cabos, México case
      Competitiveness strategies in tourism companies in a scenario of uncertainty. Los Cabos, México case
      Estrategias de competitividad en las empresas turísticas en un escenario de incertidumbre. Caso Los Cabos, México

Lacruhy Enríquez, Claudia Carolina
Morandin Ahuerma, Indra

Periódico: El Periplo Sustentable

Fonte: El Periplo Sustentable; Núm. 46 (2024): Número cuarenta y seis; 50 - 70


Resumo: The international destination of Los Cabos is the third most visited destination in Mexico, it is considered a successful case of the Integrally Planned Center of the National Tourism Development Fund. The objective of the research was initially to analyze tourism companies, as well as the participation of key actors of the international destination of Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, México, in relation to strategies in technology, sustainability, innovation, accessibility and social responsibility for its competitiveness. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, the opportunity was given to conduct the study in this special circumstance. The research was mixed with an exploratory scope. Six key actors were interviewed with a semi-structured script. A diagnosis was made by applying a 39 questions questionnaire to a simple random sample of 72 tourism service companies.  Among the findings were observed as outstanding strategies: public and private collaboration; the intelligent information system of the Los Cabos Tourism Observatory, a culture of national and international certification in sustainability, the certification of 25 beaches with Blue Flag badges, assertive tourism promotion, and reactivation protocols for the Covid-19 pandemic. An advance in strategies was evaluated about: corporate social responsibility strategies (82%), technology (78%), sustainability (68%), accessibility (62%) and innovation (36%).  Sixty-five percent of strategies are related to smart destinations in which technology and sustainability are the pillars. The study shows the tourism companies in Los Cabos in the uncertainty contest caused by the pandemic, the strategies developed by them evidenced a capacity for resilience and governance.