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Cultural Ecosystem Services and Valuation Methods: A Systematic Review
     Cultural Ecosystem Services and Valuation Methods: A Systematic Review
     Servicios ecosistémicos culturales y métodos de valoración: una revisión sistemática

Matos Márquez, Laura Andreína
Bardella Castro, Joana D’Arc
Emilly Layne Martins

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 34 (2024): Enero-Junio; 111-126


Resumo: Cultural ecosystem services are associated with the non-material human valuation of places and ecosystems. In this article, a systematic review is carried out on the research that deals with ESAs and valua­tion methods as a topic. The information was obtained from the Web of Science and Scopus databases, with the following search terms “cultural ecosystem services” and «“cultural ecosystem services” and “valuation methods”». The research was carried out on titles, abstracts, and keywords of scientific articles. The methodological recommendations of the PRISMA statement were used and exclusion criteria were applied; totally, 954 articles were included for this review. Finally, it was evidenced that none of the methodologies presented is of absolute application, since they depend on criteria: quantitative or qualitative, declared or revealed preferences of people, result in monetary or non-monetary valuations, or involve the parties interested in the appraisal process.