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Analysis of the Tourism Offering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for Peruvian Centennials and Millennials. An Alternative for the Post-Pandemic?
     Analysis of the Tourism Offering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for Peruvian Centennials and Millennials. An Alternative for the Post-Pandemic?
     Análisis de la oferta turística de patrimonio cultural inmaterial para centennials y millennials peruanos. ¿Una alternativa para la pospandemia?

Alberca-Sialer , Fabrizio Augusto
Pastor-Alfonso , María José
Espeso-Molinero , Pilar

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol. 34 (2024): Enero-Junio; 201-225


Resumo: This article evaluates the intangible cultural heritage (ich) offerings in Southern Peru as a tourist attraction to promote ich-based tourism as an alternative for the recovery of the tourism sector. The objective is to understand what is being offered and how it is presen­ted, as well as whether what is offered aligns with the interests and preferences of the demand. To this end, the information and images associated with ich manifestations are analyzed. There is a geographical correspondence between the demand and the offering, highlighting the significance of southern Peru as a “meeting place”. Likewise, the design of policies should promote ich-based tourism in the study areas. There is demand for this heritage, but it is necessary to articulate the attractions and services to generate products capable of attracting it.