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The symbolic Afro-Mexican identity through its cuisine: An approach to its cultural heritage
     The symbolic Afro-Mexican identity through its cuisine: An approach to its cultural heritage
     La identidad simbólica afromexicana desde su gastronomía: un acercamiento a su patrimonio cultural

González Rodríguez, Guillermo Isaac
Campos-Medel, Estela Mishelle

Periódico: Turismo y Patrimonio

Fonte: Turismo y Patrimonio; No 21 (2023): Turismo y Patrimonio; 133-150


Resumo: Within the formation of cultural symbolic heritage, gastronomy plays a fundamental role as it serves as the meeting point between the identity and historical roots of a community, people, or race, generating a distinctive-representative blend of their origin, worldview, and cosmology. Therefore, this present study aims to describe the culture, traditions, and symbols that exist within the Afro-Mexican communities in the Cuajinicuilapa region, Mexico. Through a descriptive diagnosis, their main festive elements are presented as part of their culture, along with the gastronomy that accompanies symbolic and ritual processes. A qualitative methodology is employed, using a descriptive-sequential method and two applied instruments. The study concludes by obtaining an inventory of traditions that Afro-Mexican individuals preserve as part of their cultural history and replicate as a symbol of their identity.