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As perdas no caminho para a direção e a gestão do capital humano nas organizações turísticas
      As perdas no caminho para a direção e a gestão do capital humano nas organizações turísticas
      Las pérdidas en el camino hacia la dirección y la gestión del capital humano en las organizaciones turísticas
      The leaks in the pipeline and human capital management in tourism organizations

Romo, Raquel Santiago
Rodrigues Soares, Jakson Renner
Pallas, Ángel Rodríguez
Gabriel, Larissa Paola Macedo Castro

Periódico: El Periplo Sustentable

Fonte: El Periplo Sustentable; Núm. 46 (2024): Número cuarenta y seis; 306 - 328


Resumo: There are still barriers to equal opportunities for women in the tourism sector, which has a high feminization rate. Despite the higher education level in tourism, women face difficulty absorbing their human capital into the tourism labour market. This study aims to analyze the 'leaky pipeline' phenomenon in managing organizations related to tourism, which refers to losing women throughout their careers towards better jobs. The study distributed 447 questionnaires to individuals with different job profiles (currently working, previously worked, or planning to work). Results showed that although the tourism sector is highly feminized, women face losses in the pipeline leading to management positions. The 'Lost Talent' group, mainly consisting of highly educated women, indicated factors that hinder their career advancement, resulting in talent drain to other sectors. Conversely, the 'Privileged Professionals' group, predominantly composed of men, faced no difficulties advancing in the labour market. This study confirms the leaky pipeline in a feminized sector and provides a foundation for targeted management models to address gender injustice and promote equal opportunities.