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Periódico: Turismo: Estudos e Práticas

Fonte: Revista Turismo Estudos e Práticas - RTEP/UERN; No. 1 (2019): Caderno Suplementar; 1-7


Resumo: This article is devoted to the study of the genre paradigm features in R. Idiyatullin's poetry - a prominent representative of modern Tatar poetry from the pleiad of Bashkortostan. The significant achievements of the genre searches of modern Tatar poetry are reflected in the poet’s works. However, the features of the genre paradigm of his poetry were hardly studied as an integral subsystem. In this vein, the article contributes to a more correct formulation and the solution of some fundamental, nationally and scientifically significant problems of Tatar literary criticism. The relevance and novelty of the work is determined by insufficient knowledge of the genre paradigm features in R. Idiyatullin's poetry and his creative experiments in this field. In the course of the study, they argued that the poet’s work contains genre diversity: along with lyrical genres, genre searches and experimentation with intergenre forms are traced in his work. At that, it is proved that the genre paradigm in the poet's work is typologically similar to similar phenomena in Tatar literature, has its own distinctive features, conditioned by the influence of the local cultural substrate and the originality of poetic thinking. The hermeneutic approach is fundamental to our research as it directs the receptive activity of the reader to the analysis of the principles and techniques of the image, the determination of typological similarities and the peculiarity of artistic searches that coincide and have differences in different verbal arts. Also, during the study, the method of comparative analysis of texts is used effectively. In this vein, they reveal the features of the genre paradigm in R. Idiyatullin's poetry.