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Theoretical-methodological approaches to the problem of social maturity development in university undergraduates
     Theoretical-methodological approaches to the problem of social maturity development in university undergraduates

Soldatchenko, Aleksandr L.
Rabina, Ekaterina I.
Igoshina, Natalya V.
Prokofieva, Alexandra V.

Periódico: Turismo: Estudos e Práticas

Fonte: Revista Turismo Estudos e Práticas - RTEP/UERN; No. 1 (2020): GEPLAT: Caderno Suplementar; 1-13


Resumo: The current social economical context where economy evolves rapidly and informatization of modern society is at full speed poses a very important task to the system of higher education: to educate and prepare not only competent professionals but also members of society who are able to efficiently interact with various social actors at different levels, in varying conditions and spheres, capable of adequately responding to fast-changing environments, making independent and responsible decisions, taking responsibility in uncertain situations, and harmoniously balancing personal and social needs. The research purpose is to develop and justify the theoreticalmethodological approaches to the phenomenon of social maturity formation among university students. The research methods included various types of analysis (content analysis, conceptual-terminological analysis, theoretical analysis, causal-functional analysis), discursive reflection, pedagogical extrapolation, and synthesis of accumulated experience. Our findings are as follows: we described and theoretically justified the continualsynergetic, socio-interactive and socio-educational approaches to the problem of shaping social maturity in university students; we have determined their structure, revealed their roles and functions fulfilled by their structural components. The practical significance of the above approaches is that, first, they reflect the way social maturity shapes itself in university undergraduates, as a pedagogical phenomenon; second, they provide its new interpretation by specifying the notion “social maturity of university undergraduates”; third, they enable to clarify its structure and reveal the specific procedures pertaining to it; fourth, they enable to develop the methodology of social maturity shaping.