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Alternative Energy Sources in Sustainable Development of Earth's Climate: Theoretical Issues
     Alternative Energy Sources in Sustainable Development of Earth's Climate: Theoretical Issues

Ostanin, Leonid M.
Bolkina, Galina I.
Zagorskii, Gennadii I.
Grigoryeva, Natalia V.
Kurdyumov, Vladimir I.
Magomedrasulov, Magomedrasul N.
Bagautdinov, Albert A.

Periódico: Turismo: Estudos e Práticas

Fonte: Revista Turismo Estudos e Práticas - RTEP/UERN; No. 4 (2020): Geplat: Caderno Suplementar; 1-9


Resumo: The relevance of the study is due to trends in the introduction of alternative energy sources into the structures of world economies, which is a main condition for the sustainable development of the Earth's climate. The article presents the rationale for the conceptual approach to the use of alternative energy sources in the sustainable development of the Earth's climate. The authors disclosed the discursive content of sustainable development of the Earth’s climate, due to the transition to alternative energy sources; the structure and content of alternative energy sources are established (renewable energy, de-carbonization). Based on the results of the study, the effectiveness of variable models of sustainable development of the Earth’s climate, mediated using alternative energy sources, is substantiated. The materials of the article have practical application and are focused on assisting specialists developing and implementing alternative energy sources in nature protection practice.