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The Mediating of Organizational Commitment on Work Motivation and Lecturer Performance: The Four-Dimensional Model of Organizational Commitment
     The Mediating of Organizational Commitment on Work Motivation and Lecturer Performance: The Four-Dimensional Model of Organizational Commitment

Jatiningrum, Citrawati

Periódico: Turismo: Estudos e Práticas

Fonte: Revista Turismo Estudos e Práticas - RTEP/UERN; No. 4 (2020): Geplat: Caderno Suplementar; 1-13


Resumo: This study provides the exploration grounded of current conceptual related to organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Organizational Commitment (OC) as a mediating relationship between work motivation and lecturer performance. The four-dimensional model investigated Affective Commitment (AC), Continuance Commitment (CC), Normative Commitment (NC) and Internalization Commitment (IO) as dimensions of commitment to the organization. Using 367 lecturers at a private university as a sample, the study analysed by path analysis method. The finding reveals that organizational commitment as a mediating role has positively significant on the relationship between work motivation and lecturer performance. Meanwhile, directly relationship documented that work motivation linkages on affective commitment more strongly correlation within fourdimensions of OC. The fact also showed that low of lecturer motivation due to lack of socializing, making it difficult to work together and communicate effectively on the development of teaching materials and teaching method which affect their work.