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Features and Benefits of the Methodology Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Ecological State
     Features and Benefits of the Methodology Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Ecological State

Senenko, Nataliia
Chechel, Anna
Kirsanova, Valentyna
Chekhovska, Mariia

Periódico: Turismo: Estudos e Práticas

Fonte: Revista Turismo Estudos e Práticas - RTEP/UERN; No. 4 (2020): Geplat: Caderno Suplementar; 1-11


Resumo: Modern technogenic impact increases an irreversible change on the current state of the soils of Ukraine. Ecological status of soil and groundwater causes significant concerns. Due to the relevance of this problem, the methodology of the study of the soil and groundwater ecological state, consisting of a complex of experimental research and analytical calculations, was developed and presented in the article. The complete cycle of techniques is presented with a demonstration of examples of an analysis of actual soil and groundwater samples, selected in one locality. To determine the content of other components of groundwater, the analytical-calculation method has been applied. The presented cycle of pedagogical methods provides an opportunity to teach students of ecology to master the methods of experimental study of the ecological state of soil and groundwater while receiving the skills of analytical and accounting character and carrying out scientific research work. The methodology allows to determine the actual environmental state of the main components of the environment quickly and accurately. In addition to these advantages, the presented methodology can be applied in any chemical laboratory without the use of expensive equipment. At the same time, the integrated methodology contains the main key recommendations for land management. The developed methodology is useful not only in the educational system of ecologists, land managers but also for the training of specialists in all branches of the agro-industrial complex with the need to study soil and groundwater, such as agriculture and oil and gas extraction complex.