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Legal Aspects of Granting and Entrusting State Government to the Local Self Governance
     Legal Aspects of Granting and Entrusting State Government to the Local Self Governance

Khalilov, Gadir

Periódico: Turismo: Estudos e Práticas

Fonte: Revista Turismo Estudos e Práticas - RTEP/UERN; No. 4 (2020): Geplat: Caderno Suplementar; 1-8


Resumo: The article includes provisions of localself-government. In this aspect, exceptional and entrusted powers of local self-government are distinguished. Both acts of international law and domestic legislation are in a mutual comparison. Differences in terminology between Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic and municipal legislation are noted and appropriate legal unification is being recommended. Empowering of local governments with certain state powers - is one of the forms of interaction between public authorities and local self-government, softening the rigid organizational and competency dilution between the state and local government. To avoid the blurring of the constitutional model of local selfgovernment, the issue of delegating powers to local authorities should be regulated in more detail.