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Cooperation in tourism and regional development
     Cooperation in tourism and regional development

Costa, Teresa
Lima, Maria João
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Escola Superior de Ciências Empresarias, Campus do IPS, Estefanilha, 2914 - 503 Setúbal

Periódico: Tourism & Management Studies

Fonte: Revista Encontros Científicos - Tourism & Management Studies; Vol 14, No 4 (2018); 50-62


Resumo: Tourism’s contribution to the economy, in general, and to local economies, in particular, is widely accepted. Given the increasing competition between destinations and complexity of tourism destination management, the formation and development of cooperative relationships between stakeholders has become a requirement for success and sustainability. This study sought to understand business cooperation in terms of specific territories’ complementarity, with a specific focus on tourism development in the Portuguese subregion of the Setúbal Peninsula. A qualitative methodology was applied using a case study. Documentary sources were analysed to collect data to facilitate the peninsula’s characterisation, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with a focus group. The results indicate that stakeholders understand cooperation’s importance to obtaining synergies that ensure tourism and regional development. The interviewees identified a set of benefits associated with cooperation, but these experts are all aware of this strategy’s challenges, which, nonetheless, do not necessarily diminish their willingness to cooperate.